Friday, October 4, 2013

[Linking Up] Feature & Follow #34

What book (or TV show or movie) have you not read that seemingly everyone else has?

I'd have to go with Divergent by Veronica Roth. I'm not really sure though because I haven't been paying attention to the books that other people have been reading. LOL. But I'm planning on reading it one of these days. 


  1. I haven't read Divergent either, but I'm not sure if I want to :/

    1. I heard a lot about it being compared to Hunger Games so I'm curious. But looking at my TBR pile, I'd say I'd probably never read it anyways. haha!

  2. Hopping through. I was reluctant to read Divergent but I gave it a try and absolutely loved it.
    My FF

  3. Same here have not read Divergent yet. Honestly would probably not if I wasn't blogging, but seen so much on it I'm curious... :)

    New follower via GFC and bloglovin

  4. I need to read the Divergent series too!
    My FF


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