Tuesday, October 16, 2012

[Review] The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Title: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Author: Stephen Chbosky
Genre: Young Adult, Drama, Romance
Rating: 4.5/5

Barnes & Noble

"We accept the love we think we deserve..."

A unique story of an introvert trying to survive high school and coping up with his own psychological shortcomings.

This is the only book I have ever read that accurately portrayed the social intricacies of being a teenager. Basically, the author successfully incorporated teenage stuffs like stereotypical cliques, experimentation, curiosity, confusion and raging hormones that come with the teenage phase of life.

Also, upon starting to read the novel, I found it weird at first because the writing style isn't a conventional one, but as I delved deeper into the book, I felt a connection with the characters one by one.

The unique writing style made me feel as if I was seeing everything and that I was actually part of the story. It made me feel a personal connection with Charlie, the protagonist, in that, he made me feel like I was one of his friends. All the characters pulled me into the book and made me one of them.

Also, the book was filled with many deep lines and after thoughts. Although it's a young adult novel, I'm pretty sure that a lot of people can relate with the characters. I would highly recommend this book to teens and those people who are experiencing some setbacks in their lives.

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