Sunday, October 21, 2012

[Review] In Bed with the Opposition

Title: In Bed with the Opposition
Author: Stephanie Draven
Date Published: August 15, 2012
Genre: Romance, Chick-Lit
Rating: 4/5

Barnes & Noble

"You're smart and sexy. You're prudent and courageous. You're a good girl and a bad girl. You're a waffle girl and a Napoleon cake girl. I've told you before that you can have it all. You don't have to put yourself in a box, Grace, because you're already the whole package." -Ethan Castle

A pleasant mix of a quirky heroine, a witty Casanova on a mission to win her heart, and their head-to-head banter which only brings out their undeniably sizzling chemistry together in the middle of political crosshairs. If these aren't the perfect ingredients for a no-hassle and feel-good romance story, I don't know what is!

Stephanie Draven brought out a fresh twist to the phrase 'good girl gone bad' in a pleasantly endearing way that makes you appreciate your own quirks. And she did this in the form of the heroine Grace Santiago. I mean, who doesn't love a heroine with a knack for pumpkin-printed bras?

Every once in a while, it's nice to take a break from the slew of mystery books which tickle the mind and pique the curiosity, and settle for something less complicated. Stephanie Draven's In Bed with the Opposition is exactly just that - a less complicated and sexy romance story. It's the perfect book to choose when you're looking for a quick read, romance story to lift your mood.

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The Author:
Stephanie Draven is currently a denizen of Baltimore, that city of ravens and purple night skies. She lives there with her favorite nocturnal creatures–three scheming cats and a deliciously wicked husband. And when she is not busy with dark domestic rituals, she writes her books.

Stephanie has always been a storyteller. In elementary school, she channeled Scheherazade, weaving a series of stories to charm children into sitting with her each day at the lunch table. When she was a little older, Stephanie scared all the girls at her sleepovers with ghost stories.

She should have known she was born to hold an audience in her thrall, but Stephanie resisted her writerly urges and graduated from college with a B.A. in Government. Then she went to Law School, where she learned how to convincingly tell the tallest tales of all!

A longtime lover of ancient lore, Stephanie enjoys re-imagining myths for the modern age. She doesn’t believe that true love is ever simple or without struggle so her work tends to explore the sacred within the profane, the light under the loss and the virtue hidden in vice. She counts it amongst her greatest pleasures when, from her books, her readers learn something new about the world or about themselves.

Stephanie also writes historical fiction as Stephanie Dray and has a series of forthcoming novels from Berkley Books featuring Cleopatra’s daughter.

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