Monday, October 29, 2012

[Linking Up] Feature and Follow!

So Parajunkee and Alison Can Read started out this meme, and I'm joining in for the fun of it. =)

All that's required is to follow the hosts and their featured blogger of the month - then you can join!

First, you need to click on the host of this meme. Then you add your name into the Linky List on their pages. Then, you create a post on your own blog featuring them and their meme, and you also need to follow their featured blog. You can visit as many blogs as you want that is included in this meme, and leave a comment on their post regarding this meme. You follow those blogs you visited and they follow you back. Simple, right?

What writing device or trick most irritates you when reading a book? For example, if an author employs an omnipotent narrator that is sometimes considered bad form.

I'm really okay with reading an omnipotent narrator. What irritates me is when the POV suddenly shifts from one character to another, and I'm all lost about which character is suddenly the narrator. This is usually a common mistake in new writers. Also, when a POV shifts to a character that hasn't even been introduced yet. I just don't like being kept in the dark, well, sort of.

Oh, and pleease do join my Halloween Giveaway Contest~!! =)


  1. I'm following back. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  2. New follower
    I can be followed at

  3. Hi! New follower here. I also dislike jumping around from different points of view. It gets confusing and just when you are comfy with a character the author switches on you. Thanks for sharing!

    Peace & Love
    Crystal @ YA Society

  4. Thanks for visiting my FF! Following you back. :)


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