Friday, January 18, 2013

[Linking Up] Feature and Follow #12

Q: Who is your favorite villain from a book?

Hmmm... Villain... It's kind of hard to remember the villains because I'm always rooting for the protagonist. LOL. But then, I would have to go with Lord Loss from Darren Shan's book entitled Lord Loss. Beating him wasn't easy, and he was really cunning to begin with. You have to play chess in five different boards against him simultaneously while your partner has to beat his right-hand man in a physical and magical duel. 


  1. i'm not familiar with this character. sounds interesting tho! i had a hard time trying to remember a "good" villain too. I'm not even sure if my answer really even counts. LOL.

    Trish - my follow friday

  2. Hello,

    Not familiar with this character at all either but does sound interesting!

    ~New Follower

    Co-Owner/Founder and Blogger of Lunar Haven

  3. He sounds like an intriguing villain! I'll have to check that one out. :D My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday!

  4. Hopping through. I haven't heard of Lord Loss. What's it about?
    My Hop

    1. It's a Young Adult novel by the same author who wrote the Vampire's Assistant. The protagonist's family suffer from a curse by Lord Loss. This curse turns them into werewolves during the full moon. And if they want to be free of the curse, one of them plus another person as right-hand man, have to summon Lord Loss and follow him towards his dimension to play chess against him. One will play chess against him while the right-hand man will battle it out with Lord Loss' monsters. =)

  5. Hmm haven't heard of that one.

    New follower


    Lets Get Romantical

  6. I'm not familiar with this series I'm afraid.
    New follower.
    Also enter my Giveway for a signed copy of Dead Harvest.
    My FF Escapism from Reality

  7. Just hopping by, enjoy! your week-end.

  8. Awww, I've never read this book, but nice choice! I chose the Darkling from Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo.

    New GFC follower!

    My FF


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